Thursday, March 15, 2012

People's Picks for Free Movies Online

There are a great many compilations to be found online that show you which films are best. This is because there is such demand from watchers eager to know what they should watch next. You can bet that just about everybody you meet loves free movies online.

Entertainment is always of value, especially when it comes for free. Following are some suggestions for the best movies to download or stream over the Web. Movie-lovers shall call these films must-see selections.

A top movie from a list of Top 10 horror films is “The Exorcist” in 1973. This film was iconic, especially for its genre at the time. For a 1970s film, this is easily a stunning piece of horror work, not needing to rely on CGI or today's advanced technologies for realistic scares.

Some people still remember the film with a shiver. Certain parts of the film shall be forever engraved in viewer's memories. Whoever thought of creating these scenes back in the 70s was a genius.

Then there is the epic film based on the ship that we all know was said to be unsinkable. This movie from the late 90s is in just about all lists for the best romance movies of all time. Of course, part of this might be attributable to the brilliant casting choices for the movie.

This is commonly held to be the best of all the movies that were ever made about the supposedly unsinkable ship. The true center of Titanic is not even the Titanic itself, but rather a blooming affair of passion between two young persons. This movie grossed well over half a billion in ticket sales.

One more major film success is in this compilation: "The Lion King". People say that this movie grossed more than any other animated film. This is perhaps what truly launched animated films into the spotlight, with people coming up in droves to see it.

There are also end-of-the-world films, naturally: one would be "War of the Worlds". This is based on the famous story that got people panicking almost a century ago. The Tom Cruise 2005 remake did not create as much impact but the movie did show unforgettable scenes of aliens abducting people and taking over the planet.

This list cannot end without "Forrest Gump" being mentioned. The plot revolves around a protagonist with none too great a brain yet all too big a heart. This gem of a movie has captured the hearts of moviegoers the world over, which shows you what the best productions can do even without advanced special effects or overly complex scripts.

There are other lists of other great movies, but so far these ones are the top films for which people would love to get a free movies online download. Great movies are things to which we can connect… for a long time. It is no longer difficult to find copies of these now, fortunately, due to modern technology.

Are you looking for free movies online download? If so, hitting the link is the right thing to do. Hit it now!