Sunday, December 25, 2011

Spreading lies regarding Crescent Processing Company Complaints

A person's poor understanding Crescent Company's working principles may assume that some illegal activity is going on. Even though the company has served businesses by the thousands, this kind of claim is unavoidable, owing to the human nature of stubbornness. It is quite unavoidable, considering people tend to misunderstand the policies that Crescent Company enforces to protect the interests of their clients.

The rumors were that there are problems with payment as well as the fees paid by their sales agents. One allegation is that the procedure for paying online is thought to be awry. Some just don't trust the thought of exchanging money through the wire even if all precautions were done to protect their interests.

They insist on outdated methods of paying merchants that is not client friendly. The use of programs and software now makes it a lot easier to handle business records in less time and effort. Thus, they are stuck with the old and cumbersome way of paying through banks and checks and whatnot even if it can be quite an inconvenience sometimes.

This is why Crescent deems it important to upgrade its system to better serve their clients. Not only are the new changes effective, it also answers the need to go green. Electronic monetary exchange answers the need to conserve paper in these resource strapped times.

Electronic transactions don't consume so much paper in the way of receipts and files One is that the client avoids being caught up in a lot of paperwork. This also allows one to have access to his or her history of online dealings with the snap of a finger.

Additionally, one is assured that they only pay what they are really charged for, and not padded charge slips. Having an electronic account gives you full control of your records and bills. They are assured that they are not being overcharged by employees through billings and whatnot.

The second rumor that threatens to mar the reputation of the company has something to do with the agent's use of Crescent's computers. The function of the laptops is to assist agents in their presentation of programs, visuals and videos. It also allows for faster documentations and transactions with clients.

On the other hand, some individuals are complaining about the laptop as many thought that they have to pay for it. It is common knowledge that a person who acts as marketer for Crescent receives a free computer machine. The agent's computer privileges will be withheld if they desire to stop working for the company.

Since this rule is declared in the company policy, then how come it became blown out of proportion by rumors? This is because Crescent requires agents to turn in their laptops if they have chosen to stop representing the company. It has been repeated often enough to tell people that although Crescent may charge a certain amount for the laptop, it is nothing but a guaranty from the agents.

This only goes to how poor understanding of certain things can lead one to assume that some illegal activity is being done. One can see now that the accusations hurled at the company were just products of an overactive imagination. To make a long story short, it is imperative that in every allegation, people should see to it that what they are hearing are the undeniable facts.

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